
Treasures from John, Volume 2 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Treasures from John, The second volume provides verse-by-verse commentary on the second half of John (chapters 11–21). It includes two appendixes: one on the case for a Thursday crucifixion, the other on the controversies surrounding The Da Vinci Code.

Jesus has been illegally arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane and led away to Annas, a former High Priest in Israel. What takes place next in the life of Peter reveals insights on victory and defeat in the life of the Christian. Notice John 18:15–18 and 25–27. Peter ends up denying the Lord. Why? What happened? How did Peter get to this point in his life? We better find out. Don’t be too tough on Peter. Many Christians are guilty of doing the same
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